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Creative Community Project: Visual Identity


The Creative Community Project is a low-cost, highly creative sustainable design project. Based on the iconic buildings and cultural visual elements on the six streets of Nanshan District Science and Technology Park in Shenzhen, this project will micro-renovate the space, bring creativity and freshness into the community, and integrate the spread of traditional humanistic poetry with modern creative design.


设计师Head of Design:韦韦也娜 / Weiyena Wei 

视觉指导 Visual Director: 王禾昭 / Herzog König

支持单位 Sponsors: 深圳市南山区西丽街道办 / Xili Street Office, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

承办单位 Co-Organizer :深圳盈致未来文创管理有限公司 / Shenzhen Yinno Land Co,.Ltd ​​​​​​​

场地支持 Venue Support​​​​​​​:深圳市南山区科技园 - 科苑北路 - 高新北六道 - 水木路 - 乌石头路 - 朗山路 - 科技北三路

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